Monday, October 31, 2011

HD Desktop Wallpapers

HD Desktop Wallpapers
HD Desktop Wallpapers
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HD Desktop Wallpapers
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HD Desktop Wallpapers
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HD Desktop Wallpapers
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HD Desktop Wallpapers
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HD Desktop Wallpapers
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HD Desktop Wallpapers
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HD Desktop Wallpapers
HD Desktop WallpapersHD Desktop WallpapersHD Desktop WallpapersHD Desktop WallpapersHD Desktop WallpapersHD Desktop Wallpapers

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Modern and stylish Eye Lenses

Modern and stylish Eye Lenses

Modern and stylish Eye Lenses

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Modern and stylish Eye Lenses
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Modern and stylish Eye Lenses
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Modern and stylish Eye Lenses
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Modern and stylish Eye Lenses
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Modern and stylish Eye Lenses
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Modern and stylish Eye Lenses
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Modern and stylish Eye Lenses

Sunday, October 16, 2011

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harvard university

easy jet wallpapers

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Nokia N8 mobiles wallpapers

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cancer Treatment in America

cancer treatment

cancer treatment

cancer treatment

cancer treatment

cancer treatment
Cancer is a well known deadly disease that is caused due to the inability of some uncontrollably growing cells to die. More than 100 types of cancer have been identified till date, classified on the basis of the type of the initially affected cell.

Cancer usually forms tumors of cells that interfere with the nervous, digestive and circulatory systems of the body and sometimes alter the functions by releasing unwanted hormones. They are usually benign and are limited to a region. The more dangerous is the other kind of tumors, i.e. the malignant ones. It occurs when a cancerous cell manages to travel throughout the body through the circulatory system and destroy healthy tissues in its path.

Cancer usually develops due to mutation in the genes of the cell making it to forget to die. The cell goes on multiplying and does not die as it had to. Finally, it starts forming a mass. These mutations are caused by many different stimuli like x-rays, radiations, different chemicals etc.

The main factor that affects the successful treatment of cancer is based on the timing of detection. An early detection of the deadly disease greatly improves the odds of successful treatment. A biopsy, i.e. obtaining a sample of the affected tissue and studying using a microscope is the only way of diagnosis.

Cancer is treated using a number of techniques that include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, gene therapy, hormone therapy etc. that come in the category of oncology.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

HD Jennifer Lopez Wallpapers

Jennifer Lopez Wallpapers
HD Jennifer Lopez Wallpapers | Jennifer Lopez

HD Jennifer Lopez Wallpapers | Jennifer Lopez
HD Jennifer Lopez Wallpapers | Jennifer Lopez
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HD Jennifer Lopez Wallpapers | Jennifer Lopez
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HD Jennifer Lopez Wallpapers | Jennifer Lopez
HD Jennifer Lopez Wallpapers | Jennifer Lopez